Health Hub
helpful information regarding all aspects of your health
Long Term Conditions
A long-term condition is an illness that cannot be cured. It can usually be controlled with medicines or other treatments.
Examples of long-term conditions include diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, epilepsy, asthma and some mental health conditions.
Minor Illness
Clinical problems and conditions are classed as minor illness when they can be self-treated or are uncomplicated thus not requiring further investigation.
Mental Health
All of us can experience problems with our mental health at times. This can include anxiety, depression, emotional difficulties, OCD among other things. This can be triggered by life stresses, relationships, bereavement’s among many different triggers.
York Medical Group recognises the importance and value of investing in specialist mental health support as part of our care we offer to patients.
Young Persons Health
We understand that Young people will want to access a GP practice but may not have done so without the help of the parents previously. We offer a confidential service which means we wont tell anyone else what you say, the only time this may happen is if we think you may be at risk, even then we will always try to get your consent first.