Changes to the Student Health Centre

The Student Health Centre will be moving to the Communities Centre on campus from the Monday 23rd of September.

Changes to requesting appointments

From Monday 30th September you will be able to now request appointments via our Online access tool Klinik by visiting our website and clicking ‘Do it online’.

We will still be offering the same amount and type of appointments as previously, but we will be changing the method of which you request your appointment.

Across York Medical Group, we already use our online appointment access tool Klinik for the majority of our patients to request appointments directly online. We will now be asking our students at York St. John’s to also use this tool.

We will have specific ’tiles/button’ for you to select different appointment requests. We will have them all labelled as YSJ Students only so that you are aware of which tiles to select. The urgent and routine appointments will be triaged by our GP lead triage team who will then decide the best or appropriate appointment based on the information you have provided.

Our Klinik access tool is available 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Friday (not incl. Bank Holidays) and will save you from having to ring or visit the practice to request an appointment.

If you feel that you cannot complete the request online our team can help you do this over the phone or you can visit the health centre for support.

Offering Appointments

All Urgent appointment requests will be reviewed within 24 working hours.

If you request a routine appointment you will be contacted with the next available appointment or you may be directed to other local services.

If you need a Nurse appointment there will also be a YSJ option for this too and our reception team will then be in contact to arrange this for you.

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